
The Day Family {Family}

Before we get started with the blog, there is one thing I need to tell you. Coach Day does not smile for pictures. Ever. Not even for me. Not even when I beg. It's not gonna happen. So, while it may appear he is having a horrible time, he is actually having a great time. Promise.

The Day family is held together by this beautiful woman, Dania. Seriously, they would  be a mess without her. She is like the teacher at the head of the classroom, the guy that waves a flag at the beginning of a race, the power that lights up a city. Without her, nothing is possible. These boys can pretend they are big, tough, and gruff all day long but anyone who knows them can tell you Dania Day is boss. She has to be...that's a lot of boys to keep in line! She is also sweet as pie, very smart, and a loving supportive mom and wife.

Her husband's given name is Robert, but most people call him Coach Day. If you are ever looking for him, you can just check down at the ballfield. He will be the guy dressed in black and yellow giving all the orders. He might not get down and dirty showing the boys how to play baseball but he can coach the heck out of a group of boys who want to win a ballgame. Once they step in that dugout those are his kids. Like any great dad, he protects his boys and they know that he loves 'em more than his own life...but by God they better give it their all out there or else they are gonna get it! Haha! Seriously, we were blessed to have him Coach Brandon for 3 years and if your son is lucky enough to be coached by him you will see what I am talking about. He was the first person my oldest son called after he found out he made Myers Park 12U Allstar team, another previous player returns every spring to help Coach Day coach his team, and after every game you will see the kids grouped up around Coach Day's truck...even the kids who have never played for him. Not too many coaches can say all that.

All 3 of Coach Day's sons look like their dad but Honey Pot is lucky enough to have his mama's sweet expressions. All 3 boys also share the undying love for baseball that their father has-as if they had any other choice in it. I love how despite the age difference, the boys get along great and early on established a great bond with one another.

I'm so happy to have been able to take their pictures this year. It's been a long time coming and hopefully it wasn't too painful so that next year we can do it again!

