
Bedonie, Ford, & Patterson Family {St. George Island}

Family is not an important thing. It's everything~Michael J. Fox 

If not for the wild gusts of wind, this session would have been effortless! The weather was mild and very cool for a Sunday in August and the waves rolling along the shore line was an ideal session soundtrack. But...the wind was flat out crazy wild! The whole experience made for a lot of laughter with my clients and that is always the best way to spend a session.

I was smitten with the kids and how crazy adorable they were running to and from the water searching for treasures hidden in the shallows and sand. The grown-ups were great too of course...and if you know the Ford, Patterson or Bedonie family you know exactly what I am talking about. They are genuinely wonderful people full of optimism, compliments, and they all tell great stories. They're pretty good looking too ;) I'm sure their week at the beach was a vacation of a lifetime and one that the kids will remember forever. 

PS. Ava's mommy, daddy, and brother joined everyone at the beach a couple of days after this session was scheduled...but I hope to link a future session back to this one soon with a full Bedonie family picture!

I love how close the cousins are...it's true what they say, cousins are your first best friend!




